Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Morning Panic

We started our Winter Contract this morning and I'm pretty much on the same schedule as the Fall Contract (Tuesday and Saturday mornings). It was a productive practice and I was able to improve the opening to the new program. I've decided that the three jump sequence (toe loop-side toe hop-waltz jump) will work best with the music and I can get there from the opening steps with just one forward cross roll! So, now I have a pretty solid opening to my program that I'm excited to show to Christopher on Saturday. Hopefully he's on board.

I also ran some field moves, spirals, miscellaneous jumps including the flip, and one (just one) spin. I simply ran out of time to mess with spins today and I'm regretting not managing my time on the ice better. Alas.

On the way home from the rink, I was at a red light thinking about how awesome this program is going to be when it hit me! Holy S&it...Christopher cut this music using the Bronze free skate time limit of 1:50. When I skate this at sectionals at the pre-bronze level with a 1:40 time limit, I'm going to get a deduction from the judges for going over the time limit!!!! ARGHGHGHGH! (*cue panic*)

So, my options are:

1). Panic and flail (the easiest of the options but not the most productive)

2). Skate the Geisha program for sectionals while still working on the Star Wars program for a later date (maybe)

3). "Move up" to Bronze for sectionals but then I will also have to skate Bronze compulsories and I just can't even (but hello extra move up points!)

4). Have the music re-cut or sped up slightly (it's only 2 seconds over).

So much anxiety about this now!

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