This post is pretty much a wrap up of Wednesday and this morning since I forgot to post earlier in the week.
Movez - Everything is progressing along very well but I'm struggling with the backward 3 turns again, mostly the outside ones. To be fair, they have taken a backseat in lieu of focusing on jumps and spins for the program. I have to try to make sure I practice these during every practice or I'm afraid I'll lose them entirely. The forward power pulls are feeling a bit better, though. At least they are not as scary and I'm stronger on my bad leg now so that's progress.
Spinz - So many camels. That's like all I do now. I don't hate it though. As spins go, these are the least burdensome to work on. I'm able to get two revs most of the time now. I'll keep plugging away until I get these to where they need to be. I did some backspins too.
Jumpz - My salchows have been feeling excellent lately! I feel like I'm really holding the entrance and exit of the 3 turn and that is making a big difference in slowing this thing down. Neat! In regards to the other jumps, I have mostly been working on the flip jump. I'm picking out more to the side now but I'm still not getting very far with the jump distance-wise. I discovered this morning that when I'm focusing on my arms, I have better jumps. I think that's part of what Christopher was saying in regards to not trying so hard. Even though my attention was focused elsewhere, my body still did the jump! Maybe I'll just focus on arms when I do this .
Devilz - I spent the last 10 minutes of the session on the new program. I'm not running it with music yet because what's the point? Right now I only have the first 15 seconds choreographed. But I practiced what I have so far. I spent extra time on the forward cross grab spiral. Between Wednesday and today, I've been able to feel a little less like I'm going to catch a toepick and die and a little more like "cool, now add some speed." That's the problem, though...speed. I don't have any yet. It's very slow and that spells trouble for the loop jump immediately coming out of it. I know the more I do it, it will speed up but right now, it's a sloth spiral. I've been stretching in the morning and in the evening (and sometimes in the bathroom at work during the day) to get a bit more flexibility in my back. If I have a bendier back, this would be a whole lot easier. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's lesson so we can add some more choreography to this. :)
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