Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Well, aren't we ambitious?

Last week's lesson was a total train wreck so I worked extra hard during my last practice to fix myself so that I wouldn't be as much of a train wreck for today's lesson. One of those fixes was changing my toe loop-loop combo in my free skate to a waltz-toe loop-loop combo. It worked on Thursday but today was a different story. Perhaps I got too ambitious.

Warm-upz - For my off-ice warm up I did some running, some stretching, and some walking. On-ice warm-up consisted of the usual laps, edges, circle 8, and backward 3 turns.

Jumpz and Spinz - I ran all of my single jumps and then started in on combos. The waltz-toe loop-loop was messy today but it was still okay enough for me to want to suggest it as a replacement once Christopher got on the ice. I'm overdue for a sharpening (I'm getting one this weekend) and it shows! My loops are skidding like crazy on the take off. Not the best feeling. Once I jumped around for a bit, I worked on spins. One foot spins seem okay but then I started working on the sit spin and that is still a hot mess. I'm really worried about testing this spin in a couple of weeks. Attitude spin looks great when I can center it.

Lessonz - My lesson started with me apologizing for last week's disaster on ice and I promised him that I was better today. I also suggested the waltz-toe loop-loop and so he asked to see it. It was mess. He said we better stick with the original plan, the toe loop-loop combo. He's right. We worked on some elements in isolation before running the program. We ran the program twice and the first time wasn't terrible but, oh man, the second time was bad! Running two programs in the span of like 8 minutes is no bueno. I'm totally not built for that! The first run through was good but I struggled on a couple of things. As a result, he had me reskate the sit spin (no surprise there) and the toe loop-loop. When I do the sit spin in isolation, I'm able to get one that's passable mostly because I am holding the entrance longer. But when the music is playing and I'm trying to hit my marks, I rush things and they end up looking hella sloppy. We worked a bit on that before I did my toe loop-loop again for him which was much better on the reskate. Moving on, he asked me to skate my bronze compulsory moves for him. I got through it. It has moments that are really pretty but then I tense up on some other things like the flip-toe loop combo and the LBI 3 turn. I traditionally do better in compulsories because there is no music and I can just focus on doing pretty things and I know I'll get there with this program but it still just needs time. We worked a bit on the flip jump before calling it a day.

I am registering for the Bronze Free Skate test on Friday and then in two and a half weeks I'm supposed to take the test. I've never felt so unsure about a test in my life! I mean, with the exception of a couple of changes in choreography and jumps, this is the same program I skated at Sectionals back in March and I wasn't nearly as terrified about that as I am about this. I really just want it to be over so I can practice all of this stuff without this deadline looming over me.

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