Wednesday, October 24, 2018

You spin me right 'round baby right 'round

I went to the Wednesday night public session at APEX and it was super busy. They put cones out so the figure skaters could have the middle but that was crowded too. Since I didn't have room to work on much of anything I stuck to elements that didn't take up too much space, namely spins and turns.

Attitude Spin: I'm still working on centering my spin before I get into an attitude position as well as getting the free leg higher. I had a few that felt like proper attitude spins so yay. 

Layback Prep: I've been stretching my back a lot lately and I'm feeling a little less stiff but the feeling of a layback is still so foreign to me. I did some two-foot spins where I pushed my hips out and tried to lean back but I kept catching my toepicks and the spins just died. This is going to take a while. 

Sit Spin: I've been doing other stretches to accommodate this move as well. I'm also doing some one-leg squats to build up strength to get back up from the spin (assuming I can get down first). The dorsiflexion in my bad ankle is slowly improving but it was so bad over this past year because I never had much reason to work on it. I'm feeling the pain now, of course. Literally. So yeah, things are becoming a little more movable but it's really slow progress. I was able to get two revolutions but I know I didn't get down as low as I probably should. 

Backspin: Ah, yes. Ye Olde Dreaded Backspin. They are still flamingo'd but I'm getting more comfortable with feeling where I need to be on my blade. So...progress. 

BO3 Turns: It got pretty crowded at one point so I didn't even have room for spins and I wasn't ready to get off the ice yet. I decided that working on backward 3 turns would be a valuable use of my time and I don't need a lot of room to do them. I haven't touched these in so long that I can't really remember the last time I did them. I know that ages ago (and by "ages" I mean like 10 years ago) when I was enrolled in group freestyle classes at my rink I learned all four backward 3 turns. Obviously that was a while ago so I was pretty cautious tonight. All I really remember from that period of time was that I had a lot of nasty backward tailbone falls while practicing these. Scary. So, I started off slowly with an RBO 3 turn and that came back to me pretty quickly. I tried one LBO (bad leg) and almost ate ice. I think I'll start working on these more as I know they will come back to haunt me when I get to silver moves. Also,  I see that the BI 3s are now part of the Bronze compulsory moves. I can't avoid them forever. 

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